Jenny "Jenny" Short (Schouten-short)'s Profile
Name: | Jenny "Jenny" Short (Schouten-short) |
Day Phone: | 011-31-118-582418 |
Other Phone: | 817-291-6629 when in the US |
Address: | Anjerlaan 3 |
City: | Oostkapelle, NL |
State: | TX |
Zip: | 4356JC |
Email: | jennyshort@hotmail.com |
Favorite Memory: | Pep Rallies |
About Me: | I live in Holland with my husband, Enno. We met while painting in Ireland in 2005. He is an artist, too. Synchronicity. We travel, enjoy being in Texas in the winter months and are going to build a winter house in Glen Rose, TX, because I can't take the Dutch cold. I have five children and he has three. With art, children and living on two continents we have a very exciting life. Check my blog at www.jennyshort.blogharbor.com for photos of Holland. |