The Insight button you clicked now allows you to go to any one of three collections of Insight posted by your classmates:
- "What I've Learned" which was first posted for the 50th Reunion. Cruise through these and see if you are inspired to talk about what you have learned. You can update your original post or, if you never posted anything before, send us a new one.
- The "Bucket List" which was first posted for the 55th Reunion. This includes plans folks have made and adventures they intend to take, as well as thoughts they've had about how to approach life. If you see anything that strikes a cord in you and you want to share it or update what you have already shared, send us your thoughts.
- "Jim Marrs Stories" which was first posted about a year ago to commemorate the passing our own author, cartoonist and one man cartel of the arts, Jim Marrs. Once, again, if you see any remembrance of Jim that inspires you to tell your Jim Marrs story, from lately or long ago, send it to us.
Because of security programming on the site, the Website Guys do all the posting, but we promise to post your thoughts so send them on to us. A simple email with or without fancy formatting will get your thought posted.